Is social media ethical?

Is social media ethical?

Abstract: How ethical is social media today? Do people still abide by social ethical rules in their day to day web activities, whether they are private or professional? For the past two decades social media have developed so fast that they have outran any sort of legislature and ethical rules - the same standards for public behaviour simply do not apply when being active on social media and while legislature has been slowly clawing after social media, one thing in cyberspace has been made abundantly clear - ethics are optional.
Key words: social media, ethics, journalism, cybercrime, web-journals

The definition of a ‘young person’ changed and this shapes our understanding of the ‘problem of youth’ today

The definition of a ‘young person’ changed and this shapes our understanding of the ‘problem of youth’ today

Abstract: Youth crime and delinquent behaviour among teenagers have always been the cornerstone of contemporary civilized countries. Mostly it has been shrugged off as coming of the age. However, an issue arises when these young people get to be a part of a society; voting, driving, working. Is there a reason why violence, substance abuse and antisocial behaviour have been on the rise? Condemnation, higher standard or no-nonsense attitude. These are all factors that focus on the evolution of youth crime."
Key words: youth crime, prevention, adolescent rehabilitation, community service, restorative justice

Foto: Peter Senko (2018)Foto: Peter Senko (2018)

The concept of moral panic is no longer useful

The concept of moral panic is no longer useful

Abstract: Folk devils and moral panics by Stanley Cohen states that moral panic is an emotional state that takes root within an individual after being exposed to a negative outcry by mass media and can further be spread by that individual's verbal means. Whether it is originally spread by television, newspapers or the internet, the concept stays the same. The factual (if any) original data gets distorted and warped into something entirely different - because it is the negative preconception that captures the public's eye more often than detailed and accurate information.
Key words: Folk devils and moral panics, Stanley Cohen, mass hysteria, media manipulation, crowd mania, simulacra

Foto: Peter Senko (2018)Foto: Peter Senko (2018)

Critically evaluate the idea that imprisonment will ‘cure’ offending

Critically evaluate the idea that imprisonment will ‘cure’ offending

Abstract: Contemporary prisons are more interested in isolating the individual deviant element from the rest of society but not to a point that it will involve a heavy investment. This in turn does not help to rehabilitate offenders, but instead creates some sort of "criminal schools" - a man of questionable decency that has done wrong goes in, but a hardened criminal comes out. As such, contemporary prisons are actually a detriment to public order and make the work of the police harder.
Key words: Durkheim, Foucault, Discipline and Punishment, Prisonization, Prison Community

Foto: Peter Senko (2018)Foto: Peter Senko (2018)

Explain and evaluate Bauman’s thesis on the Holocaust and modernity

Explain and evaluate Bauman’s thesis on the Holocaust and modernity

Abstract: Zygmunt Bauman and his work Modernity and the Holocaust have argued that sophisticated and intelligent preparation and execution was required for the Holocaust to function. Historical media as well as popular culture have more often than not portrayed the Nazi Germany and Hitler's regime as barbaric and those that followed Adolf Hitler nothing more than beasts. This essay with the support of Modernity and the Holocaust by Bauman argues that it takes more than beasts to perform a genocide on this grand scale.
Key words: Modernity and the Holocaust, Zygmunt Bauman, WW II, systematic elimination, intelligence required for the existence of the Holocaust

Komparácia oprávnení policajno-bezpečnostných zložiek

The comparison of police and security forces´ permissions

Abstrakt:1 Štúdia porovnáva oprávnenia zverené osobitnými zákonmi príslušníkom Policajného zboru, obecnej polície, Vojenskej polície, Zboru väzenskej a justičnej stráže a ozbrojeným príslušníkom finančnej správy. Rozsah a obsah oprávnení musí súvisieť s pôsobnosťou konkrétnej policajno-bezpečnostnej zložky a mal by sa včas prispôsobovať aktuálnej situácii na úseku vnútorného poriadku a bezpečnosti.
Kľúčové slová: Policajný zbor, obecná polícia, Vojenská polícia, Zbor väzenskej a justičnej stráže, ozbrojený príslušník finančnej správy

Abstract: The study compares the powers of the title of special acts to the members of the Police Force, Municipal Police, Military Police, Prison and Court Guard Servise and armed members of the Financial Administration. The scope and content of the authorizations must be related to the scope of the specific police and security unit and should be adjusted in time to the current situation in the field of internal order and security.
Key words: Police Force, Municipal Police, Military Police, Prison and Court Guard Services, armed members of the Financial Administration

Systém policajno-bezpečnostných zložiek v Slovenskej republike

System of police-security forces in the Slovak republic

Abstrakt:1 Štúdia porovnáva pôsobnosť jednotlivých policajno-bezpečnostných zložiek v Slovenskej republike a úloh, ktoré sú stanovené právnymi predpismi príslušníkom Policajného zboru, obecnej polície, Vojenskej polície, Zboru väzenskej a justičnej stráže a ozbrojeným príslušníkom finančnej správy. Tieto policajno-bezpečnostné zložky vo svojom súhrne vytvárajú systém, ktorý plní úlohy najmä vo veciach vnútorného poriadku a bezpečnosti vo všetkých segmentoch spoločnosti.
Kľúčové slová: Policajný zbor, obecná polícia, Vojenská polícia, Zbor väzenskej a justičnej stráže, ozbrojený príslušník finančnej správy

Abstract: The study compares the competences of individual police-security forces in the Slovak republic and tasks, which are set by law to members of the Police Force, Municipal Police, Military Police, Prison and Court Guard Services and armed members of the Financial Administration. In summary, these police and security forces create a system that performs tasks primarily in matters of internal order and security in all segments of society.
Key words: Police Force, Municipal Police, Military Police, Prison and Court Guard Services, armed members of the Financial Administration

Parlamentné voľby 2020 a koho by ste volili...


Aktualizované o výsledky ankety k 1. 1. 2020
Aktualizované o výsledky ankety k 15. 1. 2020
Aktualizované o výsledky ankety k 1. 2. 2020
Aktualizované o výsledky ankety k 15. 2. 2020

Rozhodli sme sa v časopise Prohuman a Projustice spolu so službou Prosurvey, ktoré v Business intelligence club o. z. prevádzkujeme pre vedecko-odborné účely spraviť tentokrát malý prieskum o tom ktorú politickú stranu by ste volili. Je to iniciatíva čisto pre Vás čitateľov. Nerobili sme to pre prieskumnú agentúru ani politickú stranu. Tak ak neveríte výsledkom publikovaným v periodikách mohli ste odpovedať u nás. Odpovede respondentov sa Vám zobrazovali hneď po vyplnení ankety.

Pojmová hranica medzi vecnými právami a záväzkami

Terminological Boundary between the Law of Things and Law of Obligations

Abstrakt: Príspevok sa venuje teoretického rozlíšeniu pojmov vecné práva a záväzky. Oba tieto inštitúty patria do skupiny majetkových práv. Zatiaľ čo vecné práva sú právami absolútnymi a pôsobia erga omnes, záväzky pôsobia inter partes, a zaraďujú sa preto medzi práva relatívne. V rámci úvodnej časti príspevku sa venujeme aj rímskoprávnemu pôvodu oboch inštitútov. 1
Kľúčové slová: záväzkové právo, vecné právo, porovnanie

Abstract: The article focuses on the theoretical distinction between real rights and obligations. Both of these institutes form part of the wider group of property rights. While real rights are classified as absolute rights enforceable erga omnes, obligations have an inter partes effect and are categorized as relative rights. The introductory part of the article analyzes inter alia the foundations of both legal institutes in the Roman law.
Key words: Law of Obligations, Law of Things, comparison

Foto: Peter Senko (2018)Foto: Peter Senko (2018)

Obchodovanie s ľuďmi – novodobý fenomén


Trafficking in human beings - a modern phenomenon

Abstrakt: Cieľom článku je predovšetkým priblíženie fenoménu obchodovania s ľuďmi. V článku možno nájsť popis súčasného stavu v tejto problematike, ako aj návrhy de lege ferenda.
Kľúčové slová: organizovaný zločin, obchodovanie s ľuďmi, obete

Abstract: The aim of article is focused mainly on defining what human trafficking is. In the article, we can find a description of the current state of this in this issue, as well as de lege ferenda proposals.
Key words: organized crime, trafficking in human beings , victims